Monday, January 4, 2010

New Year Goals

Happy New Year!!!

After both girls ended up in bed with me last night (love cuddling with them, but really need a good nights sleep!), I was awake quite a bit thinking about what I wanted to change and improve this year. I normally don't do New Years resolutions but I do have things I want to step up this year-things that have to do with my relationship with God, my business, my family, and of course politics (yep, this obsession did not pass like I thought it might, lol). Here is what I came up with:

Mackin Monday-on Mondays I will focus on updating my personal blog (this one), doing a better job of documenting my life and family. It is so easy to forget the little day-to-day things that happen and I really want to do a better job of documenting those pieces of life.

Truth Tuesday-on Tuesdays I will focus on truth. This may be in the Biblical or worldly realm. In our culture, truth is relative and I want to focus on at least one story/issue per week that is about truth. This may be done on my personal or political blog, depending on the issue.

Website Wednesday-On Wednesday I willl focus on updating my Website. It is
I have a lot of work to do...

Thankful Thursday-On Thursdays I will focus on documenting what I am thankful for-this will be done on this blog and on Facebook. This will keep me grounded, I must remember to do this outside of the Holiday Season.

Freedom Friday-On Friday I will focus on politics, things that had happened during the week. This will take place on my political blog I really want to focus at some point on our Founders and what they intended for our country.

I can not guarantee this will get done everyday, but I am going to try. Thanks for reading!!!

1 comment:

Monica said...

Love how this looks!! What great goals - thanks for the inspiration :)